Franchise Euphoria is kicking off the first of several mini-series where we take a deep dive into a specific aspect of franchise. This miniseries focuses on what it takes to create a franchise system that not only grows but lasts. The first two parts of this miniseries concentrates on proven viability for your franchise system. This is the third and final episode of the series focusing on scalability, and Josh is featuring an interview with Jim Donnelly, the CEO of the Restore franchise system which was recently ranked 113th on the Prestigious Inc 5000 list as one of the fastest growing companies in the US.
Key Takeaways:
[0:05] Welcome to Franchise Euphoria, the podcast that takes a deep dive into specific topics related to franchising. Franchise Euphoria exists to help individuals who are trying to grow their business through a franchise or franchise-like model.
[0:49] Josh introduces today’s interview guest, Jim Donnelly, the CEO of the Restore franchise system.
[3:38] Josh welcomes Jim to Franchise Euphoria.
[5:18] Jim shares about his prior experience in tech industries and how he was able to successfully exit those endeavors.
[6:24] Jim explains what his expectations were at the outset of franchising Restore and what his inspiration behind the business concept was.
[10:26] For Jim, he realized that Restore had the potential to grow to a national scale once they started franchising and seeing success from expansion into really diverse locations.
[15:02] Drawing on the data from previous locations, Jim and his business partners were able to target key markets for expansion.
[21:29] While the idea of growing “just fast enough” seems like a difficult goal to achieve, Jim and his team has always done their best to stay just ahead of the curve.
[22:03] At the time the interview was conducted, Restore had sold over 600 locations that are in development to open within the next four years.
[27:48] Jim explains what the impact of working in a well-built out business has been like from the perspective of a business leader.
[33:52] Josh and Jim discuss the impact of prioritizing your health by utilizing business concepts like Restore.
[37:41] Jim makes the point that during the pandemic, society has been ultra-cognizant of people’s health, but he suggests taking that same energy for prevention and applying it to other common illnesses as well like cancer and diabetes.
[41:19] Jim lays out his best advice for individuals looking to franchise their business.
[43:27] If you want to learn more about Restore, you can visit
[44:20] Josh recaps the interviews that have been covered in this series focusing on The Enduring Franchise System.
[46:32] Thanks for listening, and please, reach out to Josh anytime through email at If you enjoyed this interview, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.
Mentioned in This Episode: