You have fulfilled one of your dreams by opening and operating your own business; you’ve even been successful at it. Like most successful entrepreneurs, you aren’t done just because your business has become successful; you want to keep the success going and the business growing. How exactly do you go about doing this? Two options
Author: Priority Clients
Spending the holidays with family is wonderful; the food, the laughter, the fun is all a given and so are the many questions you’ll be asked by all of your aunts and uncles that you haven’t seen since the last family get together. “So are you ever going to graduate? Where are you working now?
It’s that time of year again; the holidays have come roaring back around with Christmas decorations being displayed everywhere you look reminding you to start your Christmas shopping soon. My inbox has been flooded with “Black Friday” sale previews and sneak peeks for the last two weeks. I used to go Black Friday shopping every
Recently, I attended a family get-together in Cleveland, OH. While at lunch with several family members, I struck up a conversation with one of my distant cousins. He has 3 kids, one of which is a teenager. We began discussing our families and soon began discussing the wonders of teenagers. He said something that struck