Franchise Euphoria is kicking off the first of several mini-series where we take a deep dive into a specific aspect of franchise. This miniseries focuses on what it takes to create a franchise system that not only grows but lasts. The first part of the miniseries concentrates on proven viability for your franchise system. This is the second episode of the series and Josh is featuring an interview with Jamie Izaks, President and Co-Founder All Points PR, a company based in Chicago that works specifically with emerging and growing franchisors.
Key Takeaways:
[0:05]Â Welcome to Franchise Euphoria, the podcast that takes a deep dive into specific topics related to franchising. Franchise Euphoria exists to help individuals who are trying to grow their business through a franchise or franchise-like model.
[0:49] Josh introduces today’s interview guest, Jamie Izaks, the President and Co-Founder of All Points PR.
[1:58] Josh welcomes Jamie to Franchise Euphoria.
[3:26] Jamie explains some of the methods All Points PR uses to position franchisors to get the best lead flow for their franchise systems.
[6:48] All Points PR utilizes a mix of PR mediums to help their franchisor clients.
[9:46] Jamie touches on some of the mistakes franchisors make in terms of creating effective branding and marketing campaigns.
[13:46] Josh and Jamie debate how and where franchisors should target their marketing campaigns for growth strategies.
[17:51] Jamie discusses how PR companies provide support to franchisors who are experiencing rapid growth at the outset and how they help them keep up with the demand.
[24:24] Jamie explains how franchisors can set themselves up for healthier growth by holding back their number of locations towards the beginning of franchising.
[29:42] Josh and Jamie discuss the significance and importance of being one of the first franchisees in a system.
[31:03] Jamie discusses when it makes sense for a franchisor client to get in touch with a PR company.
[32:50] If you want to learn more about AllPoints PR, you can visit their website listed below.
[34:37] The next part of the DAMS acronym for a provably viable system is scalability which we will cover in next week’s episode.
[35:04] Thanks for listening, and please, reach out to Josh anytime through email at If you enjoyed this interview, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts.
Mentioned in This Episode: