In March 2021, Josh Brown released Franchise Euphoria’s first ever mini-series solely focused on the idea of creating the Enduring Franchise System. As Josh covers in the series, he believes the best way to create a long-lasting franchise system is by prioritizing the concepts in his DAMS acronym: data, analysis, marketability, and scalability. To dissect each of these topics, Josh conducted three interviews all published in one episode each where he featured a conversation with a key industry leader who has proven success specifically as it pertains to each concept.
To cover data and analysis, Josh first published an interview featuring Tom Britt, the founder and CEO of the Towne Post Network franchise system, who shares his insight on the importance of gathering and analyzing data in your franchise system. For marketability, Josh interviewed Jamie Izaks, the President and Co-Founder of All Points PR, a company based in Chicago that works specifically with emerging and growing franchisors. To conclude the series with a discussion about scalability, Josh interviewed Jim Donnelly, the CEO of the Restore franchise system which was recently ranked 113th on the Prestigious Inc 5000 list as one of the fastest growing companies in the US.
To view the full show notes for each interview, please click the corresponding link below:
Part 1 – The Enduring Franchise System: Proving Viability with Data and Analysis featuring Tom Britt of Towne Post Network
Part 2 – The Enduring Franchise System: Proving Viability with Marketability featuring Jamie Izaks of All Points PR
Part 3 – The Enduring Franchise System: Proving Viability with Scalability featuring Jim Donnelly of Restore