Thrilled to have Grant Baldwin on the show. Grant is a speaker, coach, podcaster and former franchise owner. He experienced the life of a franchisee, decided to go in another direction and has since built a couple successful businesses. Today, we talk about Grant’s decision to become a franchisee, his experiences as a franchisee, lessons learned, and a whole host of other interesting things!
About Grant
Grant is a speaker, coach, podcaster and former franchise owner. He experienced the life of a franchisee and decided to go in another direction. He writes and speaks about helping people find and do work they love. He is the host of How’d You Get Into That? podcast.
Show Highlights
Ø Decision process of buying a franchise
Ø “Business In A Box” Mentality
Ø Franchise Lessons Learned
Ø Moving Forward
Want to know more about Grant?
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